The Parenting Emporium Featured on “A Momma Abroad”

The Parenting Emporium Featured on “A Momma Abroad”

When we first set out to help make the parenting journey easier for our fellow parents, we never imagined how The Parenting Emporium would be able to reach so many people out there who are aligned with our dreams of #ParenthoodShared

On Giving Back: Let’s Help the Children of Marawi

On Giving Back: Let’s Help the Children of Marawi

Because parenting is a legacy, we at The Parenting Emporium (TPE) firmly believe in the importance of "giving back" to those in need. And right now, given the current situation in our country, we all know that the people of Marawi are in great need. Many families have...

Welcoming Baby #2

Welcoming Baby #2

I’ve always been on the giving end of wonderful news such as a new bun in the oven or the arrival of a little one. The joy I feel every time a family chooses to share this precious news with me makes everything seem right with the world for those wonderful few...

Welcome to The Parenting Emporium!

Welcome to The Parenting Emporium!

Welcome to The Parenting Emporium (TPE) community! We’re so glad you found us, and we hope you’ll discover that “Parenthood Shared” is a loving, supportive advocacy that can be enjoyed and practiced by everyone.

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