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This is our thank you for all the support for our advocacies and community.
We set out to create an enterprise that would be able to support parents at different levels, in different ways. The physical place was our venue to gather people to learn, commune, and be comforted. The store was a means to raise sustainable funds for our causes, and it also provided a platform to recommend tried and tested brands to the members of The Parenting Emporium community. For our little corner of the parenting world to have attracted so many kindhearted people who are positive, loving, caring, supportive, and inclusive of different parenting styles, respectful of differences and tolerant of each other, ready to help and contribute, embodying such a blissful manifestation of #ParenthoodShared – it was beyond what we expected. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

“I went to classes at the Parenting Emporium, founded by Maricel Cua and Beng Feliciano, who have become my support system. I follow their advice. I highly suggest new mothers to take classes with them, too.”
“I came across The Parenting Emporium during the beginning of my pregnancy and met so many beautiful souls who I like to call ‘encouragers.’ This is a haven for co-parents and soon-to-be parents! I have learned a lot from lactation consultant Joyce Martinez, RN, MSN, CLC, IBCLC, and found mommy mentors in Maricel and Beng. Thank you so much for sharing your passion and knowledge with us. I hope one day I get to pay it forward and speak to new moms too.”
“I would not be the father I am without the guidance and knowledge I learned from The Parenting Emporium and my wife, Paula.”
As Seen In

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