How We Give Back
More than just a business: It’s all about paying it forward and giving back to the community
As firm believers of “giving back”, especially via the model of social enterprises, we have set up The Parenting Emporium (TPE) such that customers can contribute at various levels and benefit different groups as well.
To be more specific, 3% of all purchases goes straight to our Advocacies and Beneficiaries.
More than just a business: It’s all about paying it forward and giving back to the community
As firm believers of “giving back”, especially via the model of social enterprises, we have set up The Parenting Emporium (TPE) such that customers can contribute at various levels and benefit different groups as well.
To be more specific, 3% of all purchases goes straight to our Advocacies and Beneficiaries.
This way, “giving back” becomes not only the efforts of a few generous souls but of every single person in our community. As long as the community is alive and thriving, so, too, will our beneficiaries thrive.
Supporting those who support others
We are proud and honored to support existing social enterprises under our “Brands That Give Back”. We are also in constant search of other start-up social enterprises that can be featured in TPE.
In addition, we pledge to work with local communities through social enterprises like Esensya Productos Naturales, which supports women in communities in Cagayan de Oro and Payatas; Karabella Dairy, which provides livelihood to local carabao farmers; and Plush and Play, which highlights the sewing skills of mothers in Bulacan.

Supporting those who support others
We are proud and honored to support existing social enterprises under our “Brands That Give Back”. We are also in constant search of other start-up social enterprises that can be featured in TPE.
In addition, we pledge to work with local communities through social enterprises like Esensya Productos Naturales*, which supports women in communities in Cagayan de Oro and Payatas; Karabella Dairy, which provides livelihood to local carabao farmers; and Plush and Play, which highlights the sewing skills of mothers in Bulacan.
*Besides being a TPE “Brand That Gives Back,” Esensya is also a partner for one of TPE’s Private Labels, i.e. TPE Solutions: Soft Play.
Other more “traditional” beneficiaries include Lalaloopsy by Asha, Grace to Be Born Maternity Home and Nursery, and certain individuals whom we have been blessed to support in different ways. We are also happy to have helped previous beneficiaries including the National Institute for the Blind c/o the James MacKay Foundation, the Happy Tummy Project, and Bag of Blessings, In addition to these beneficiaries, TPE also has its own Milk Sharing Hub.
Being a conduit of blessings
The TPE Milk Sharing Hub is a concrete way by which TPE community members, specifically breastfeeding moms, can share their blessings — by donating their excess breastmilk.
We are honored to be able to help other families by collecting safe and clean milk from generous mommy donors and sharing the donated breastmilk freely to deserving recipients, who are usually sick, needy, orphaned babies. (Donor moms go through a screening process before milk is accepted for donation.)
Other more “traditional” beneficiaries include the National Institute for the Blind c/o the James MacKay Foundation, the Happy Tummy Project, Bag of Blessings, Lalaloopsy by Asha, and certain individuals whom we have been blessed to support in different ways.
In addition to these beneficiaries, TPE also has its own Milk Sharing Hub.
Being a conduit of blessings
The TPE Milk Sharing Hub is a concrete way by which TPE community members, specifically breastfeeding moms, can share their blessings — by donating their excess breastmilk.
We are honored to be able to help other families by collecting safe and clean milk from generous mommy donors and sharing the donated breastmilk freely to deserving recipients, who are usually sick, needy, orphaned babies. (Donor moms go through a screening process before milk is accepted for donation.)
Providing a place for sharing and encouragement
Finally, we are happy to provide free venues both online and offline for various support groups — specifically those that fall under our advocacies of pregnancy, health, nutrition and education.
Providing a place for sharing and encouragement
Finally, we are happy to provide free physical venues for various support groups — specifically those that fall under our advocacies of pregnancy, health, nutrition and education.

#BecauseParentingIsALegacy, join us in giving back to others… even the little that we share can go a long way! Be part of our community, where we celebrate #ParenthoodShared, and where we are committed to #GrowingWithYouAsParents!