I’ve always been on the giving end of wonderful news such as a new bun in the oven or the arrival of a little one. The joy I feel every time a family chooses to share this precious news with me makes everything seem right with the world for those wonderful few minutes. Basking in the aftermath of a parent’s delight and providing that loving support from the onset is what makes our advocacy of “Parenthood Shared” so personal to us – an exciting reason to check the mounting social media and mobile phone messages upon waking up and going to the store to face what the day brings!

So, when it was my turn to share such magnificent news, I could not wait and hide it when presented with a face-to-face chance with families whose journeys we have shared and have become part of our lives as well! And then I knew… that’s what it felt like to be on the receiving end of sincere and bubbly joy – inexplicable happiness and connectedness and the urge to hug everyone and shed tears of joy (oh pregnancy hormones, you are so strong right now! LOL!).

Mommyproofing Coach Joy Dejos grounded the importance of “Parenthood Shared” in her most recent class on “Coping With the Realities of Motherhood.” She said (and I am most likely rephrasing here) it is very important to reach out and share what we are going through with others. It is important to know, through every stage, that WE ARE NOT ALONE. With more than 3 million babies born annually, we truly are not – that’s 3 million new mommies every year! Yes, new mommies – even if you are already on your 3rd, 4th, or 5th child – because as Coach Joy puts it “you are reborn as a mother every time you give birth!”

So there you have it, our beloved TPE community, baby #2 for me and super excited to share the parenthood journey with all of you again from a different perspective. Thankful for those of you with whom we were able to share the news personally – your squeals of delight and excited anticipation of things to come have been filling our love tank! There are so many things to share, talk about, and discuss – looking forward to spending more “time” with all of you through this new avenue of communication. Do keep posted, here and via social media, for the latest updates… till then, here’s our little Baby Bun-Bun, growing cozily and steadily in my belly!

Growing with you as parents,
Congratulations again, Maricel, Carl, and L! So happy for you!!!
Thank you for sharing our joy, Mariel????
Yehey!!! Finally!!! I was so happy upon hearing the great news… actually, until now. 🙂 I know that you and Carl and also Lia has been praying for this little baby for quite a long time. Always take care, okay? Don’t stress too much! And stop thinking muna of the glucose test ???? God bless ????
hahaha, Nicar! i want to have a 30minute labor like you! ; )